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TheWorstYear t1_je6t01h wrote

That's not legally how it works. Mark agreed to a contract where he would develop the website, took a look at the work & code already developed towards the site, & then went & made his own based off of what he saw. That's textbook theft.


DoYouLikeHueyLewi5 t1_je774r9 wrote

Which is why he paid a massive settlement. I never said what he did was right (it wasn’t) or ethical (it wasn’t), but Mark made it happen and that’s all that really matters.


TheWorstYear t1_je7cqye wrote

No it isn't.


DoYouLikeHueyLewi5 t1_je7fjha wrote

Lmao okay


DynamicPJQ t1_je7rung wrote

You’re not thinking about this from a legal perspective whatsoever