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steelerfan97 t1_je8qw3e wrote

Tom Cruise just recently had a blow up at some of the crew members working on I believe the new Mission Impossible (?). Basically they weren't following Covid protocols and he screamed at them. I can't do the digging at the moment for the audio but he essentially says that the movie industry is counting on them and how mistakes like this could shut down production and screw with everything.


TeamStark31 t1_je8qz2k wrote

“I just don’t understand-“

“What don’t you understand?”

“Why we need another Terminator movie?”

“You don’t understand what working with actors is like, that’s what that is.”

“I don’t think that’s what that is.”


spambearpig t1_je8rjgl wrote

Oh yeah, I heard about that. I didn’t pass judgement because I figured Tom Cruise may well be completely in the right on the issue. Not following Covid regulations has screwed up a lot of things, flouting Covid rules put the biggest nail in the coffin of Boris Johnson. I bet it could kill a movie.


Greedy-Loss9030 t1_je8vvt3 wrote

I recall Tupac getting fired from Menace II Society because he felt his character was too unrealistic and wanted more backstory. According to stories from the other actors on the project, he spazzed out on the directors during a rehearsal and was fired. He later ran down on the directors, the Hughes Brothers, at a video shoot and a brawl broke out.


Larsaf t1_je8wtp5 wrote

Klaus Kinski on all the movies he made with Werner Herzog. And pretty much everywhere else.


Archamasse t1_je8xlel wrote

Maybe I'm unreasonably cynical, but that whole thing felt very staged to me.

Edit- Curious thing to be getting downvoted for. Everything around Cruise is notoriously stage-managed and controlled with a hermetic seal, but the one thing that happens to leak is a near-perfectly composed "blow up" that casts him in a largely positive light and emphasises how Covid conscious the production is, when it was still getting quite a bit of scrutiny for proceeding at all?

It's a pretty valid eyebrow-raise even if you don't agree.


rkalo t1_je90lwf wrote

I forget exactly what went down, an element was that one of the parties was high on set, but Jon Voight and Dennis Hopper had a nasty altercation during a shoot for Easy Rider. I forget where I heard about this, it was on some movie or TV show commentary.

edit: Jon Voight's not in this movie lul. It had to have been Peter Fonda then because I did read there was a bad incident on set involving Hopper in this movie. After a quick Google they had bad blood afterward that was never resolved.


aShittierShitTier4u t1_je95h47 wrote

I would cite a different episode from Hopper's career for the biggest freak out. While shooting Jungle Warriors in a remote jungle region of Mexico, Hopper decided to run off naked, to raise an army and start a revolution. They had to go looking for him.


Hooterdear t1_jea0if8 wrote

The director Martin Brest was fired from Wargames while on set. He then proceeded to blow up at the producers and make a big scene. He was fired because he wanted more of a serious adult thriller film than it turned out to be.


jackwritespecs t1_jebfvr1 wrote

I’m pretty sure Bale didn’t yell at the DP, but a light guy who ruined the shot


res30stupid t1_jebytyo wrote

And he threatened to kill Christopher Nolan because Jude Law had signed up for The Prestige when Russell wanted him for Huckabees. Law tried to pull out of Russell's film because he needed the higher paycheck (he was going through a nasty divorce at the time and needed the money), then Russell ran into Nolan and put him in a headlock and demanded Law back.


res30stupid t1_jecerrd wrote

I don't think it was Jon Voight. Rip Torn was apparently cast in the movie but got into a nasty argument with Dennis Hopper that is still hotly debated to this day about which of them pulled a knife on the other one first. But it's been the source of a feud that lasted until their deaths.