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doc_55lk t1_jdji17w wrote

> one can only imagine what freak of nature he was in his prime.

This bit was hinted at when literally everybody who talks about John describes him as an unstoppable killing machine...."a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fuckin will".


tigojones t1_jdjjogc wrote

Ethan Hunt and James Bond are spies first, so yes, Wick would take them even now.

Jason Bourne would be about the only one of that list who'd put up a solid fight, since he's also a heavily trained assassin, though I do think that Wick aged better than Bourne. In their prime, it would likely be one of Wick's toughest fights, but the odds favour Wick at the present.

Jack Ryan would have no real chance in combat. He's not even an operative for the CIA. He was USMC, so isn't a pure bookworm, but it would be like putting a single-tour infantry soldier up against a Tier 1 SOF veteran. Ryan would be better in a hunting capacity, being one of the guys to try to track Wick down so that someone like Bourne could take him out (or at least stop whatever assassination Wick was contracted for).


SuperNntendoChlmers t1_jdjjypr wrote

I am anxious to see this 4th installment. What intrigues me is his huge will to live. Obviously nobody wants to die but he's already got his initial revenge for what started this whole thing. Now he's just so hell bent on having the last word that he refuses to die.


I remember when I thought nothing could top that club scene from the first one, and now Im thinking "nothing can top the knife throwing scene or the underwater shootout from chapter 3"


BenefitPale OP t1_jdjkgon wrote

Agreed, hunt and bond are spies first so even current john would stomp them without breaking a sweat. And yes jason would be the toughest one but Wick is just one tough bastard. In his prime his speed and agility would be better than current and mind you he's alredy deadly enough even now, so prime john even in hand to hand combat combined with his training in various martial arts like jujutsu and judo would be very very hard to beat and if john has a gun then it's a game over no matter who's in front of him.


BenefitPale OP t1_jdjl0ur wrote

Yes like everyone says sheer fucking will.

Oh you're in for a treat. I highly highly recommend you watch chapter 4 in a theatre. It's made for the big screen. They've topped and set a new bar which will be very tough to beat and I'm not exaggerating. Go see it.


doc_55lk t1_jdjn4xr wrote

Ever since he decided to avenge his dog and get his car back, I feel like John is in a sort of impossible situation where if he refuses to indulge the people asking favours from him, they'll just fuck with him until he snaps, but when he does inevitably snap, everybody's after him because he went too far, or he killed the wrong person, or he broke the rules.