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herewego199209 OP t1_itosshz wrote

That's strange because I think Cop Shop is the best movie he's ever made next to Narc. Sometimes directors getting control stripped from them makes for a better movie. It's like the Edward Norton story on American History X where Norton basically took over the movie and the editing and kicked the director off the movie and the movie actually got better because of it.


darkness_escape t1_itosw9g wrote

Also Karl Urban said Alex Garland was more of a director on Dredd than the credited director


herewego199209 OP t1_itot2x2 wrote

Yeah the Garland story is now infamous like the Spielberg actually directing Poltergeist instead of Toby Hooper, but in this case Garland is up front with being pissed about not getting a directors credit on Dredd.