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CapnSmite t1_itz0z0n wrote

Land of the Dead and Empire of the Dead are also direct sequels.

I mean, aside from Diary and Survival, none of the films have any character or story through line aside from "the dead are rising and eating people" and offering social commentary. But they can fit neatly on the same timeline. Zombies start rising > zombies start overrunning everything > zombies have overrun everything, people are forced into hiding > people start to adapt more and carve out a place and rebuild society in part of a major city > a major (albeit different) city is almost completely reclaimed and there's more of a semblance of normalcy, zombies still pose a threat but are mostly kept in check (plus vampires are there).


CorruptedHannya t1_itz1549 wrote

Oh, is it? I wasn't aware of that, I thought it followed some time after Day. Always thought it was Night > Dawn > Day > Land, showing the fall of humanity over decades.

Anything you could link me to confirm that?

Edit: damn you changed your entire comment and now I look like a rambling lunatic answering questions that weren't answered haha.


ExcalProphex t1_itzj9yy wrote

In Land of the Dead Tom Savini plays the zombie version of his character in the original Dawn of the Dead. To my knowledge he is the only recurring character from the original 3 movies.