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SeanOuttaCompton t1_iuixufa wrote

Good for her but man I hope this isn’t another Gray Man for Gosling


remembervideostores t1_iuiyb5v wrote

Fall Guy, Nice Guy, Gray Man, First Man


zunyata t1_iuizet7 wrote

It's that guy from the guyman movies


astromech_dj t1_iujs624 wrote

I’m really struggling to understand the overarching story in this series.


Ergotnometry t1_iuj51ib wrote

His last movie will be Man Fall. It's about valuing the subtle flavor of pumpkin over the spice blend "pumpkin spice".


Ru4pigsizedelephants t1_iujx8k4 wrote

It wasn't a great movie, but it was at least mindlessly entertaining. I didn't hate it.


Artparkgallery t1_iukaceu wrote

Gosling has an overall amazing filmography, its not all just Gray Man. Its also La La Land, Drive or Blade Runner 2049. So theres really no reason to be too afraid.