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MarvelsGrantMan136 OP t1_iuj1mcw wrote

David Leitch is directing:

>Gosling, Emily Blunt and Aaron Taylor-Johnson are already on the call sheet for the action piece, which is being helmed by Bullet Train director David Leitch.

>In a switch from the original 1980s show that starred Lee Majors, the story doesn’t focus on a stuntman with a side hustle as a bounty hunter. Instead, the script by Drew Pearce focuses on a battered and past-his-prime stuntman, being played by Gosling, who finds himself back on a movie with the star for whom he doubled long ago and who replaced him. The wrinkle, however, is that the star has gone missing.


lucia-pacciola t1_iuj9l77 wrote

> the story doesn’t focus on a stuntman with a side hustle as a bounty hunter

Jesus fuck this is a shitty timeline.


rgumai t1_iuk1bxt wrote

I can already hear the soundtrack... Reaaaaalll huuuummmaaan beeeeiiinnnngggg.