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JannTosh12 OP t1_iu9kb0t wrote

The tonal shifts in this movie are incredibly done. It can go from genuine creepy suspense to outright comedy with Goodman’s character, yet it all works

Also love the strong production values. The opening shots in Venezuela and almost epic sounding score stand out

Like also how Daniels doesn’t just become a spider killing Rambo. He looks scared as hell in the final scene


Goosojuice t1_iu9u48x wrote

Spider is fucking MASSIVE. Dogs aint all barking if you can nonchalant hang out with one of those.


gatamosa t1_iud3b10 wrote

I’m from Venezuela and as a child I believed those murderous spiders were so close to me, absolutely destroyed me.

Then anaconda came out and I begged my parents to just get me a see-through hammock to sleep. Only two points of entry because I was fixated on the ceiling.

Funny things, now I’m ok with spiders and snakes, but as a kid, anything in my room looked an anaconda or a tarantula.


TH3_V3GAS t1_iud6eom wrote

At least those are rational fears. I'm deathly afraid of killer clowns from outerspace.