Submitted by t3_yh3zo8 in movies

My wife and I were talking about this tonight. For me it was Zoolander on TBS that I watched randomly one night in college. I thought it was hilarious, but I’ve never been motivated to go watch it bring that, even though I’m sure I’m missing something funny. For her it’s Shawshank Redemption.

I thought it would make for a dub discuss topic. So what’s yours?



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t1_iuc3zzm wrote

Discovery channel made a TV movie for the "Haunting in Connecticut" story. It's actually better than the million dollar box office movie with the same title, it even came out far sooner, nearly 20 years ago.

Give it a watch, you'll be scared


t1_iuc6j1k wrote

Best movie I've ever seen? Easy. 1971's Duel. Steven Spielberg's debut film was a TV movie and I was 6 years old. My mom had no idea what we were about to see and, though I was 6 or because I was 6, that film was tense, riviting - and very unlike anything else on TV in 1971. It came completely out of nowhere and I still remember how great it was all these years later.


t1_iubz9ig wrote

I don't watch movies on TV. I hate the editing and commercial drive me mad. Commercials during a movie is infuriating.

I haven't waty "regular-ass TV" at all since 2015.


t1_iubzr7c wrote

I only saw the movie Jeremiah Johnson on regular TV. I rented it once from Blockbuster because I thought my daughter might like it. I told her it was fairly humorous. What I didn’t realize all those years was it a lot of the violence was edited out. This day I still get grief about telling them that Jeremiah Johnson was a comedy.


t1_iuc3mju wrote

Die Hard.
It's always been on my long list of films I want to see sometime, but I just never got around to watching it until I caught it on TV.
Was on a year or two ago when I was visiting my parents, who have TV and cable.
My dad commented, "People are saying this is a Christmas movie now, huh?"


t1_iuc18gc wrote

Over here we come only had 2 channels until the late 80's. State TV has shown a lot of the classics through the years. Especially before the millenium shift. Now we have much more channels (most are commercial) and a few of them still pump out some good stuff from time to time.


t1_iuc1byr wrote

Ghostbusters 2. I know a lot of people don't like 2 but I loved it growing up, taped it off of TV and rewatched it several times but none since back then.


t1_iuc8lyn wrote

I haven’t seen Shawshank Redemption in a theater, and that’s probably the best movie that I’ve only experienced on my TV at home. I’m pretty sure that all the rest of my favorite movies have been seen on the big screen at some point in my life.


t1_iucut8e wrote

I grew up watching a lot of TV and video rentals. So a lot of famous films like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, Shawshank Redemption I caught while channel surfing. Amazing films that I was utterly transfixed with when I stumbled across.


t1_iud6glt wrote

Blair Witch Project..wish I had seen it in the theatre. Bought the vhs and we watched it on Thanksgiving night. Still the only movie that gives me chills