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StrLord_Who t1_iuk6fo2 wrote

Yes he and his wife were madly in love with a very active sex life for many years. They were the Zelda and Fitzgerald of England. He was actually quite a ladies man when he was younger. There was one particular young man he became obsessed with later in life, Lord Alfred Douglas, (who was the one who introduced him to male prostitutes, etc.) but there is not a lot of evidence Wilde considered himself what we think of as "gay." The opposite, actually, even with all his activity in that arena. The full story, and what happened with "Bosie" who betrayed him is so much more interesting than "Oscar Wilde gay," I'm not quite sure how it got reduced to that. We have the transcript of his trial, it's absolutely fascinating. It's published as a book, I recommend it. He was just as devastatingly witty off the cuff as he is on the page.