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Toadman005 t1_iujahq9 wrote

Hell yes, the mind can really start to play tricks....gets the heart beating so hard, you swear the bed is shaking, and it's not you causing it...


CMelody t1_iujcv79 wrote

I remember reading Salem’s Lot as a kid, was so into it I stayed up until it was several hours past my bed time to finish it. I realized as I was groggy half dreaming that I’d left the light on in my closet with the door cracked open. I kept dreaming/hallucinating that a vampire was inside slowly opening the door. I was scaring myself so much I pulled my gothy cross earrings out of my jewelry box and put them on to protect myself if I fell asleep.

Felt so dumb the next morning when I woke up with the clunky earrings poking me.