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-FeistyRabbitSauce- t1_itmgk1g wrote

I enjoyed it quite a bit. Went a little off the rails by the end though...

Edit: I can't overstate how much Aaron Taylor-Johnson continues to surprise me as an actor. The dude has some serious chops.


[deleted] OP t1_itmmfv3 wrote

Hopefully he lives up to Kraven


-FeistyRabbitSauce- t1_itn0wky wrote

Kraven the Hunter, like the Spiderman villain? Didn't know he was cast in that role. I could see him making it work, but I doubt the movie will be any good assuming Sony is going the Venom/Morbious route.


[deleted] OP t1_itn10s3 wrote

I think they already finished shooting


Hiimkory t1_ito6hyr wrote

It’s Sony with a Spider-Man property.

It’ll suck ass.


depressedbee t1_itop8lu wrote

He's like salt. You put salt on steak and it's amazing. You out salt on veggies and they're amazing. You out salt on popcorn and it's amazing. You can even put salt on shit and it's..........still shit.

That's SUMC


Goosojuice t1_ito9y0p wrote

Watxh Aaron in Nocturnal Animals. Movie is am aquired taste, but he absolutely kills it


Sir_TonyStark t1_itqiuqg wrote

That movie is about as bleak as bleak gets man. But damn is the acting top notch all around. Taylor-Johnson, Amy Adams, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Michael Shannon too


-FeistyRabbitSauce- t1_itqwout wrote

That's actually the role that made me take notice of him. He stole every scene he was in, and put me on edge. I didn't realize it was him until I went to IMDb afterwards and had a hard time accepting that it was the same kid from Kick Ass.


robby8892 t1_itoc12q wrote

I think one of my favorite things about him is he was Kick-Ass with Evan Peter's prior to them being Quicksilver in separate Marvel universes.


MaxHOJones t1_itqipek wrote

It would be pretty boring as a train movie if it stayed on track for the whole film.