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circleofblood t1_iu0eofq wrote

I don’t think actors should be held in as high regard as they have been for the past 90 years. Sure they’re the faces of a film but they’re pretty much the least essential part on a movie set.


BrickedHampster t1_iu0fcgg wrote

A good director can carry a movie the same way a good actor can carry the scenes they’re in.

Bad take.


Kyadagum_Dulgadee t1_iu0zu9n wrote

This is a woeful misunderstanding of how movies are made. The choice of actor can have a huge impact on the final product. Their performance, what they improvise, how the audience engages with that actor, whether it's with or against type and how that's received.

There's also the huge factor of how the presence of this actor or that one influences the budget. If you have a bankable leading lady or man starring in your movie Vs an unknown, the budget will often be millions more, which allows for better production value and a stronger supporting cast of seasoned character actors. Not always the case but the leads have a big influence on how well a movie does financially.

Yes the other departments matter as does the writing and directing. A great director can make a million dollars look like 5. That doesn't mean you have to totally devalue what actors do.


GenuineChopper t1_iu2lt80 wrote

Yeah Gwyneth Paltrow was almost cast as Rose in Titanic instead of Kate Winslet. Just imagine how much of a different movie that would be, even taking into consideration James Cameron’s incredible production efforts, it would have been as unbearable as Shakespeare in Love.


HornyToad1984 t1_iu0f1zv wrote

>they’re the faces of a film but they’re pretty much the least essential part

This makes zero sense. Films are 100% visual, the face of film is all it is.


ProbsWrongbutDefMean t1_iu0fjqz wrote

you're both being to absolute

without someone behind the camera to press record, doesn't matter what the actor does, won't be seen

without an actor Infront, the film will just be random shots of places

both play their role and are needed (for the majority of movies)