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WalkingEars t1_iy1tqup wrote

The actual character arc of the movie involves both the daughter and the mother having an existential crisis about how to find value and meaning in life, and that crisis resolves in the form of "being kind to others" being a form of personal salvation.

The frantic pacing and the chaotic vibe and the talking rocks make the movie engaging and fun, but the emotional core of the story - about how to make sense of life in chaotic and confusing times, and the idea of kindness as a way to fight, instead of giving up - is I think what helps the movie really resonate with people in a deeper way than just spectacle.


tootsmcgeees t1_iy2dp6q wrote

For me, your comment is accurate. The visuals were great fun along the way to the emotional core. I saw so much of my parents and myself in the characters. It captures the poignancy of regret and expectations—the ones we put on ourselves and the ones that are put upon us—so compellingly. It really made me think about what happiness means and how, ultimately, our lives only have as much meaning and joy as we allow ourselves to give it. All movies tell stories, and some stories just don’t resonate with everyone. And that’s okay.