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ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iy6yy6e wrote

Yes! That's the one (the extra anchovies bit is exactly my low-brow sensibility)!

As far as Explorers, I just confirmed you can stream it free on Pluto TV. (I may be watching this later tonight, haha...)


andoesq t1_iy8y1o4 wrote

That's the movie I always wanted to see as a kid, but the TV stations only ever played flight of the navigator like every week lol

For low brow, would Bachelor Party qualify? I'm also on a quest to watch Volunteers again for the first time in decades


ChicagoMarketer OP t1_iyav4t4 wrote

Bachelor Party was an absolute NO GO around my house but, of course, I would wait to set the VCR to tape it and then hide the cassette until I could watch it later. I mean, there was a whole PROCESS into recording something (you had to make sure the cable box was on, that it was on the right channel, that you had enough tape, and don't even get me started on SLP, EP or SP). It's an amazingly funny move and I never saw Volunteers so I would be interested to hear how it holds up. I was absolutely in the bag for Tom Hanks (Splash, Big) but I think my favorite HBO memory of his is watching The Money Pit. To this day I'll always remember the delivery of the line "I'll not like you anymore" as Peak Hanks.