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Skyward_Slash t1_ix2hmq5 wrote

Joker suffers from this. Not a movie, but Breaking Bad is another example.


VravoBince t1_ix2tz95 wrote

I have wondered about this. Do people love Walter and see him as a great guy? I can't imagine anyone thinking that throughout the whole show.


Complete_Round1810 t1_ix2x9jp wrote

Walt definitely gets more love than he deserves but I always thought the way fans treated Skylar was the bigger problem. She got so much hate for being a mostly reasonable person whose partner does terrible things and put her in terrible situations.


VravoBince t1_ix2zk17 wrote

Yeah, the actress even got death threats lol


Skyward_Slash t1_ix2uhhw wrote

I think it's just the ones that call him and everything he does "badass" mostly. Not much thinking going on, lol.


VravoBince t1_ix2uq1n wrote

>!Walter poisoning a child to manipulate his 25 year old partner and raping his wife!<

What a badass!


Realsteels0311 t1_ix3umbe wrote

I liked Walter in the beginning because he was doing something to make money for his family before he died. When he turned down all that money from his friends I started to dislike him.


thesanmich t1_ix5gx8y wrote

Tbh, Walter is just such an amazing character. I enjoy seeing him because of his ambition and intelligence. Honestly, its almost inspiring in the same way films like Nightcrawler and Whiplash are, despite the fact that they’re all more like cautionary tales. Lets fucking admit, we all want a little bit of Heisenberg in us. The story is framed where he’s this dying middle aged dude who never achieved his dreams, and becomes a badass due to circumstance.


enalios OP t1_ix3i4wv wrote

Part of why I haven't been able to watch the show is the number of people just kind of blindly praising Walter. It's a little concerning based on what I know of the show lol


enalios OP t1_ix3hzt7 wrote

Yeah I hate talking to fans of that movie, and I'm a fan of that movie! As a person with a mental illness or three, I think the movie has a lot to say, but it feels like 7 out of 10 fans are going to tell me that what the movie has to say is that the Joker was right all along and somehow they'll have no strong takeaways with regards to treating others with respect and dignity regardless of their situation or "otherness". Or about the dangers of becoming what people fear you are.

They just kind of think that the mental health system failed Arthur (correct!) and he had no choice but to do what he did (incorrect).