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OP t1_j226gbh wrote

Yeah I kinda get that, but I think this movie did a pretty good job of being diverse without diversity being the point. It’s just like, these people exist the way they are and that’s it. I think there is a difference between when a movie or show has someone’s difference be defining characteristic and the only thing that makes them interesting and it just being a part of who they are.

Like I personally like that the kid being gay or the mom being black wasn’t a plot point at all or even mentioned. The kid could have been straight and the mom could have been white and it wouldn’t have changed the story. That isn’t being “woke” just inclusive which I generally think that’s a good thing.


t1_j228pgk wrote

For me, I’m done with the “let’s throw in a gay character but not have them be a fully realized gay character” schtick. Especially in Disney properties (and all of them, Marvel and Star Wars included). I’m fine with their sexuality not being integral to the plot, but come on, let them kiss. Teenagers kiss. Let Ethan and his… darn it, he has an odd name and I can’t remember it… let them have a scene like Searcher and Miranda in the kitchen.

And again, I liked seeing the dog… just give them something to do other than be comic relief.


t1_j252rju wrote

See I thought this was a fully realized gay character. He actually had a gay love interest and everything. Not like Lightyear or Onward where they throw out a tiny gay token which can easily be cut in the Chinese release.

I thought it should be the standard. Character was gay but he wasn't defined by his sexuality.


OP t1_j2290ib wrote

Yeah, the dog was underutilized. The whole closet scene was stupid. Should have just had splat do it.