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blowbyblowtrumpet t1_j214ld4 wrote

Wow that's dedication for you. I find I can only watch it once every 7 to 10 years and every time I realize that I've forgotten how utterly bleak it is by the end. It then takes me 10 years to recover from the trauma and forget how harrowing it is. Not one to watch on a first date that's for sure.


Abusive_Nun t1_j21766p wrote

I like giving movies another chance in circumstances like this. I figure because this movie is so highly rated and loved by many that I really should give it another chance and watch the version that nearly all the commenters are saying to watch.

If for whatever reason I still don’t like the movie, I can at least say I watched the version that most people agree I should have watched.


blowbyblowtrumpet t1_j23ak4m wrote

I wish you better luck on your second try. Bear in mind though that it's always going to be uncomfortable to watch, particularly as it progresses through the second half. It is, after all, supposed to represent the descent into madness.