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ZorroMeansFox t1_j229b60 wrote

You should check out the fake documentary about the making of this movie by Disney's "first Black CEO." It was an outstanding episode of the great show Atlanta called "The Goof Who Sat By The Door."


forever87 t1_j22maac wrote

> "I'm guessing that [Donald] loved it when he was a kid. I'm just guessing — and I'm supposed to talk to him. I have a friend of a friend. There have been a couple of videos online that people have made calling it like 'The Blackest Disney Film Ever Made.' I've watched a couple of those things just to get a sense. The Black community just adores the movie and takes ownership of it in a big way. So I'm sure it's the perfect storm of all of those things. And then I figured FX is owned by Disney. So there's that little connection there."


bourbonbadger t1_j24ikmk wrote

I watched that episode and totally fell for it. In fact, I still believed it until I just read the article you linked lol. It felt so believable that I didn't even think to fact check it. I assumed Donald Glover was using his platform to educate and inform the public. omg


woahdude12321 t1_j25yynv wrote

When it started I skipped it and was like I’ll come back to this later. Wasn’t until I saw people in the sub for that show I had any idea it was fake. If I hadn’t read it online I probably would’ve never known lol


NeedMoarCowbell t1_j24baur wrote

I came here to say the exact same thing, that episode of Atlanta absolutely blew my mind.