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TyperMcTyperson t1_j2ehmnd wrote

There was a time when JC was incredible. Nothing Bay has done is even remotely as good as terminator or aliens or abyss.


Scoob1978 t1_j2ektsz wrote

Even True Lies was a better Michael Bay movie than Michael Bay ever did and I don't hate Michael Bay.


cantonic t1_j2emol1 wrote

Honestly that’s probably the most brutal takedown of Michael Bay there is. I’m sure Bay himself has had the same thought and it haunts his dreams.

Cameron isn’t the worlds best filmmaker, but whatever he does, he does 100%. All of his activities surrounding the actual filming of Titanic are like bonkers-level of obsession. Hell, the man went to the bottom of the Mariana Trench!

He’s like Captain America. He’s not the strongest or smartest, but when he does something, he does it at peak human efficiency. This analogy might be completely nuts.


improper84 t1_j2ekux2 wrote

The Rock is probably the closest that Bay has come, but that's still clearly inferior to Terminator 2 as an action movie.


act_surprised t1_j2er8bu wrote

Uh..Michael Bay directed the original Got Milk? commercial. The one about the guy in the Aaron Burr museum.



HumbleCamel9022 OP t1_j2ej62m wrote

Transformers1, the Rock, pain&gain...etc are just as good as alien or abyss


TyperMcTyperson t1_j2ejbhd wrote

Lmao. None of those movies hold a candle to aliens. Lol at transformers...Jesus.


ssmit102 t1_j2ejie3 wrote

You really sure you wanna go with pain and gain because idk if I’ve seen a worse take.


brucewayne1935 t1_j2ekeoe wrote

Pain & Gain just as good as Aliens, LMAO that might be the worst take I’ve ever seen on this sub


TyperMcTyperson t1_j2elhbz wrote

It's really an incredible post. Dudes gotta be fucking with us. No way anyone really thinks that.


brucewayne1935 t1_j2em1qx wrote

Some poor lad came in the other day wondering why all the Transformers had good reviews. Difference was that the guy seemed to genuinely love transformers, so there was at least a hint of integrity to the post.


Ozymandias935 t1_j2ejo7l wrote

Look, I liked The Rock, I think it's Bay's best film by far. But it doesn't compare to Aliens or The Abyss.


GooJai t1_j2ekxot wrote

Megan fox running from explosions is ur idea of good?


JDDW t1_j2elgaf wrote

Maybe if you dont know movies very well....Alien, terminator 2 and the Abyss are all top scifis of all time easily. Transformers is just an easily forgotten blockbuster movie with shitty acting.


SaintMotel6 t1_j2en2wk wrote

Art is subjective but this is just factually wrong


pradbitt87 t1_j2em6m2 wrote

You deserve every downvote you get for saying Transformers is better than Aliens