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suzer2017 t1_j2d6rwh wrote

I haven't seen it. But I will watch it after reading your post. Plus anything with Frances McDormand...I am all in.


danteheehaw t1_j2dnea4 wrote

Its one of those movies that feels kinda slow then it kinda all comes together in an absolutely beautiful way.


pairustwo t1_j2fszp3 wrote

Although, what I love about this movie is how untogether it is. So much unrelated nonsense crisscrossing into a Gordian Knot that holds nothing together, no plot, no character development, no change... but somehow just gets cut through anyway.

I guess McDormand gets her surgeries in the end.


bobafett903 t1_j2f74mz wrote

You almost have to watch it at least twice to get the full effect