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l3reezer t1_j2d9qvu wrote

I rewatched it the other day to see if I would digest it better as an adult since the first time I saw it was when I was a preteen-teen; I still don't think it gets anywhere near the top of my Coenn brothers filmography list.

I respect the concept but in execution think it barely holds up as something justified for its own feature length film. Despite Pitt and Malkovich's performances being gold, the whole film just doesn't wrap up all its components nicely enough. The ending bit is funny and in tune with the spy tone but I kinda also wanted to see more of the fallout of the chaos play out (George Clooney's character freaking out was entertaining so would've been nice to see some of him trying to flee the country, and then they just totally neglected the reactions of his wife and Tilda Swinton's character to the whole debacle) instead of just getting a jump cut to the end.