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KratomHelpsMyPain t1_j22sigm wrote

She's a psychopath.

She comes back home, gets a call that her old friend is coming over, and immediately puts on a record and pulls out a hand drawn poster commemorating the moment he found out his father was dying.

What kind of malevolent narcissism is that? Either she was trying to trauma bond George to her, or she honestly ended that night thinking "Sure, George's whole world was crushed and he had to give up all his life's dreams as a result, but I'm sure his main take away from that night is that he almost saw me naked. Let me remind him of that experience."


scooterboy1961 t1_j24znix wrote

Who hurt you?


KratomHelpsMyPain t1_j254mtv wrote


People will down vote, but the next time you watch the movie, when she pulls out the "George Lassos the moon" poster you'll remember that all of that happened moments before he found out his father was dying.

It would be like setting out the Playbill for "Our American Cousin" if Mary Todd Lincoln was coming for a visit.
