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gmoney1259 t1_j1mk6od wrote

Movies will largely be phased out of everyday life. Meaning there really won't be a "Hollywood" type industry we have now. Individuals will make films at home for friends and families. There will be competitions where bunches of people make the same movies to see who is best.


googoogfgh t1_j1mpydk wrote

That’s… not what’s going to happen 😂😂


Mech-Noir t1_j1n998w wrote

I bet it is… we are already seeing the beginning of automation in art. And it’ll happen faster than a 100 years.

Pay attention. I’d wager this guy is right.


googoogfgh t1_j1nxltp wrote

I’d wager you’re the same person with a burner lol


Mech-Noir t1_j1oe2k9 wrote

Nope, just familiar with where Machine Learning currently is and is going.

Look into openGPT, Midjourney, stablediffusion. We are only a few years away from huge chunks of filmmaking and general computer tasks being fully automated.

This shit is going to catch you off guard.

!remind me in 10 years
