So I loved Hereditary. I loved the sadness about the movie. Are there any other movies that make you feel like what Hereditary does emotionally? I loved the horror and the plot twist too, but that‘s just an extra thing I adore. I’ve tried Midsommar, but I don’t think it’s as great. Any movies as sad as this one?
Kieran__05 t1_j19zcja wrote
Have you seen ‘the killing of a sacred deer’ (2017) it’s an amazing film that gave me the same feeling as when i first watched hereditary and I think could be the type of film you’re looking for.
TheyDoItForFree69 t1_j19zruv wrote
Melancholia, The Virgin Suicides, Vagabond and A Ghost Story?
drtmcgrt44 t1_j1a259u wrote
We Need to Talk About Kevin
NovaHorizon t1_j1a2hfr wrote
You should take a look at japanese horror movies like The Ring or The Grudge. If you like manga, Junji Ito will hit that spot between mystery and body horror. I think there are a few adaptations and an Anime anthology of some of his stories.
ZRX1200R t1_j1a3lql wrote
Grave of the Fireflies. Synechdoche, New York. Martyrs. Requiem for a Dream. Leaving Las Vegas. Blue Valentine.
D3SP3R4T3 OP t1_j1a4cp7 wrote
Thanks, I‘ve looked into it and i‘m gonna watch it right away :)
D3SP3R4T3 OP t1_j1a4fe6 wrote
Heard Melancholia was very depressing
D3SP3R4T3 OP t1_j1a4j63 wrote
I‘ve already thought about it, but now I will actually do that. Thanks!
D3SP3R4T3 OP t1_j1a4n0m wrote
I absolutely love Martyrs and Requiem for a Dream. I‘ll check the others out soon!
russfro t1_j1aho3z wrote
Confessions (2010)
blct20 t1_j1auueu wrote
Maybe not obvious, but Banshees of Inisherin from this year. There are lots of sad movies but thought of this because it’s also a comedy, and the sadness only really creeps in when you think more deeply about it.
spazzycourt t1_j1cs1p9 wrote
ooooh maybe you’ll like Funny Games, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, or The House That Jack Built
spazzycourt t1_j1cs2j9 wrote
Blue Valentine is a great recommendation!
The_Streetsweeper t1_j19zbon wrote