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hazychestnutz t1_j2cgj1h wrote

> I mean, they included fucking Tron - I highly doubt Chazelle thinks that's the pinnacle of filmmaking.

and um excuse me what? the fuck? Tron was amazing


[deleted] OP t1_j2clwy1 wrote

Sorry didn't realize I was tarnishing Tron's Legacy by saying it's not the pinnacle of filmmaking and more indicative of technological achievement.


Mr_Shyne t1_j2cl2ev wrote

I think Babylon plays much better to us fans who like movies about 'Hollywood' than it does to critics and it is a bit of a rambling mess with some fun nuggets along the way. I don't think we need a different review process as much as a better movie


hazychestnutz t1_j2cggk9 wrote

>it fell apart in the last hour or so


DynamicPJQ t1_j2cj1rk wrote

I’ll never understand why people care so much about what critics think.


[deleted] OP t1_j2cm2vl wrote

I don't care if they like the movie or not. I like reading criticism, regardless of whether I agree with the opinion. My point was the criticism of Babylon seems undercooked. I'd rather read an insightful pan than a superficial rave.


Ares676 t1_j2cmzll wrote

I havent seen the movie, but your 2nd paragraph that summarizes the movie has got to be one of the most pretentious summations Ive ever read...

seriously, what you love about the movie is that it has diversity in the opening scene, antiseptic boxes, and LGBTQ and whitewashing?

I feel like you watched the movie with a progressive buzzword bingo card...


[deleted] OP t1_j2cq6sm wrote

What in the fuck are you talking about?


ceaguila84 t1_j2cey7d wrote

Saw it yesterday in a theater 30 miles north of L.A where majority were 60+ year older people.

The first two hours were great and everyone laughed a lot. But once Tobey McGuire's character was introduced I thought it went off the rails and fizzled out.

I still enjoyed it overall but movie was very unfocused and long.


DrRexMorman t1_j2cchjg wrote

245 critic reviews aggregated on rt:


[deleted] OP t1_j2ccmom wrote

I'm not saying no one reviewed it I'm saying they're not really engaging with the subject matter. Very superficial reads of the movie.


DrRexMorman t1_j2ccso1 wrote

You read all 245 reviews?


[deleted] OP t1_j2cdqhy wrote

First, I read enough! I've read a bunch of reviews by the publications and people I respect, like the critic mentioned in my post (I don't really care what says). Second - c'mon with that argument, really?


DrRexMorman t1_j2cdz43 wrote

>(I don't really care what says).

That isn't one of them, I checked.

>Second - c'mon with that argument, really?

This conversation seems disengenuous, to me.
