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hknite t1_j1y145e wrote

The HDR picture quality is amazing when done correctly. Good examples are Back to the Future 3 and The Greatest Showman. Unfortunately, you do need a fairly decent tv to properly view HDR. In my opinion, you need an OLED because each pixel is its own light source. Other tv types use various backlighting methods that results in light blooming out creating weird halos and stuff during credits and high contrast scenes.

The tech also appears to be in a bit of a beginning stage and has a big problem with freezing or skipping during longer movies. I have tried my PS5, a stand-alone Sony 4K player, and an LG 4K player and they all do the same thing with longer movies.

If you have an OLED tv, go for it. But if not, I would advise waiting until the tech matures a bit or until OLED goes down in price.