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[deleted] t1_j28ihe0 wrote

History has demonstrated that audience scores are FSR MORE riable than any critic scores.


legopego5142 t1_j28j9cp wrote

History has also shown trolls will use it to push some narrative so 🤷‍♂️


DopeDadOfRad t1_j2agkiw wrote

To the three movies that were good that were pushed down, that sucks. It seems now a days that every movie I like, the critics hate and every movie the critics hate, I love.

Someone did a graph with audience scores vs critics scores for video games a while back and you could actually see how the average critic score has dropped significantly over the last 10 years while audience scores has stayed consistent.

Also critics are people too and just a dumb super select segment of the audience. The idea that they don't troll/input personal bias also is naive.

They made since when you didn't have a mass scoring system and you didn't have anyone to talk to about a movie. But as of late, since their predictive power of wether or not I'll, the consumer, will like a movie - this is their entire purpose for existing - is so low they are literally pointless. It's so frustrating that to use rotten tomatoes to see if I would like a movie or not because I have to go to the movies webpage, because the audience score seems to always be spot on regardless of the critics score.
