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rattler1234 t1_j2dtv4f wrote

I think we’re in an age where reviewers are heavily in the pockets of studios. It’s annoying because we look to reviewers to give honest feedback. I watched neither film but IMO both trailers looked like a cash grab on Millie’s fame from Stranger Things.


oh_orpheus t1_j2dw4ms wrote

They’re not a monolith. You’re not supposed to listen to them as a whole, find a handful of critics whose taste more or less align with yours and see what they have to say.

But on top that, film criticism is a guide, not an absolute. You don’t HAVE to like or dislike something because a critic says so. But criticism can be crucial to understanding the medium better.

I hate the damage that Rotten Tomatoes has done to the current public consensus of movies.


rattler1234 t1_j2dx6gm wrote

Honestly I’ve found some reviewers on YouTube who give generally good feedback and I’ve stopped looking to places like Rotten Tomatoes.


Jyith t1_j2dx6w6 wrote

Yes, they most certainly ARE a monolith when all the media companies are owned by the same people that own the studios.


oh_orpheus t1_j2dxrad wrote

So do you have any actual proof that every single critic out there is “owned” by a studio? Your argument doesn’t even make sense in this case when there are plenty of Netflix properties that get shat on critically.


mcmesq OP t1_j2dugpc wrote

Thank god I haven’t wasted life time on the first - although I suspect I’d not have then watched the second. But I agree, finding true and honest reviews seems pretty challenging these days.


Jyith t1_j2dwwbt wrote

Exactly this.

It's a deliberate circle jerk. Not only are the reviewers in the pockets of the studios, the studios just outright own the media companies that employ the reviewers.

And independent reviewers who don't give glowing reviews are just blacklisted. Same thing for games.


sjfiuauqadfj t1_j2dxi2z wrote

i havent watched stranger things but based on the trailer it looks awesome tbh. millie bobby brown probably does well in these movies