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Consistent_Case_5048 t1_j2bpybt wrote

I developed a strong dislike of Cage by 1999 and haven't seen a movie of his since. I decided to see this one and loved it. :)


neuronamously t1_j2c6m4l wrote

My dude. The Rock is one of the greatest action films of all time. You started to dislike Cage during peak Cage?


BunnyReturns_ t1_j2dadg6 wrote

He has a lot of fun/good films ranging from high budget to indie. The most important part is basically understanding what you get with Cage.

Someone who will go absolutely balls to the wall with 100% commitment no matter how shit/weird the story/character is. He's quite honestly a really good actor when paired with a serious script and a good director and he can make shit movies really funny if you don't expect anything else.

Pig is a serious and really good movie showing that Cage is a legit actor

Color out of space is weird Cage in all of his glory

The way of appreciating Cage is embracing that he can be both a great actor, really fucking weird and that he will commit no matter what.

He can make a indie/b-movie and he can break a high budget movie