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profhnryhiggins t1_j258eu0 wrote

My parents bought me Pretty Woman for Christmas as a 12 year old. Granted, we had cable TV and movie channels in all rooms of the house (my Dad did DVR via the VCR's, before DVR was a thing)...but still, looking back on that I can't help but wonder what they were thinking.

I had a very open option to TV as a kid. The only rule was no nudity allowed if we were watching something together, even though both parents knew that sending us out of the room just meant we'd (older brother and I) just go to our own rooms and watch the rest (unless it was something my Dad taped, in which case we'd just borrow the tape to finish the movie later on). I find it strange that kids today are so sheltered, when I grew up with the understanding that just because I saw something on TV, I didn't have the right/permission to re-create what I saw or speak in the same way. Based on current parenting knowledge, my parents were very wrong...but I can't help but feel that it broadened my appetite for good movies and television.