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SweetCosmicPope t1_j25c9ql wrote

Very sorry to hear about your old man. My dad really like renting movies and going to the movies too, and that's something we did alot of, so I get that. Some of my favorite memories with my dad, too.

As far as your question goes: my mom and dad were really into horror movies. When I was a kid I used to love bragging about how I had seen all of the Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street movies by the time I was 3. And these were actually favorites of mine. I didn't own them, but throughout my childhood I would rent these movies often (as well as other horror movies, both major and low-budget). They were great!

I never really got scared of these movies, but my mom made me watch Child's Play 2 with her when I was maybe 8 or so? And I remember that one scared the living shit out of me.

My uncle was babysitting my cousin and I one time, and he put on a porno movie for that night's entertainment. I was probably 5, and he was about 7. I don't remember much except for watching a girl in spandex give a guy a BJ and me and my cousin laughing our asses off at this movie. This was comedy gold to us because we weren't interested in any of that stuff yet, but a lady with a guy's pee pee in her mouth was fucking hilarious.