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Filmfan-2022 OP t1_j1ny16j wrote

I looked into that it does sound fun.

i liked muppets and muppets most wanted. Christmas carol

i still enjoyed mahatten but weakest so far.

i have wizard of oz to watch too plus treasure Island.

do you like the muppet show that is pretty fun.


butneverjamtoday t1_j1o6v69 wrote

I was obsessed with the muppet show as a kid I. The 80s. I was even subscribed to the muppets magazine


Filmfan-2022 OP t1_j1paqtb wrote

cool I recently watched it , it's pretty fun.

all the parts involving statlar and woldorf are fun haha


Filmfan-2022 OP t1_j1qnn5a wrote

just watched muppets treasure Island better than muppets take manhatten