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t1_j2dwsb6 wrote

The Pig Lebowski

"You're not wrong Oscar, you're just an asshole".

"Shut the fuck up, Fozzy. You're out of your element!"


t1_j2dwk2j wrote

The Matrix. Kermit as Neo, Piggy as Trinity, Fozzie Bear as Morpheus and Sam the Eagle as Agent Smith. All wearing shades and leather apparel.



t1_j2e35px wrote

Dammit you beat me to it. Call it The Mupptrix or, alternatively, The Muppets Take the Matrix.

“Kermit, why do we need to be quiet all time?”

“Because Fozzy, those sentinels are killing machines that use sound to locate their targets.”

“Ah-ahhhhh so we can just use these earplugs on themmm!”

“I don’t think that would work Fozzy.”

I would watch that nonstop.


t1_j2dxii8 wrote

This was my immediate thought as well. It would be amazing.


t1_j2dw3lh wrote

Always better, now it has Muppets.


t1_j2e26wq wrote

Exactly. Can’t think of a single movie made worse by it having been Muppefied.


t1_j2e3djw wrote

I can think of bad movies that would be a waste of felt. But any good movie would be better with muppets.


t1_j2dya52 wrote


Miss Piggy as Rippley. Gonzo pops out of someone's chest.


t1_j2e5le6 wrote

I came here to say Alien as well. I'm picturing Kermit as the alien, and then Robin the frog as the chestburster. I think Kermit being quiet and moving slowly would be so unsettling. Totally agree that Ms Piggy with a curly hair wig has to be Ripley. Fozzie - Ash, Gonzo - Dallas, Animal- Brett, Janice? - Lambert, Rowlf - Parker, Scooter - Kane, Statler and Waldorf - Mother, Rizzo the rat - Face Hugger.


t1_j2dy6zi wrote

Muppet Pulp Fiction: Gonzo, "Does he look like a bitch" Beaker, "Meep?" Gonzo, “Say “meep”again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say what one more Goddamn time!”


t1_j2dz8v8 wrote

You say this as if my favourite movie doesn't already have muppets in it


t1_j2dzabs wrote

Lord of the Rings. Kermit is Aragorn. Rizzo and the rats are the hobbits. Fozzy Bear is Gimli, Scooter is Legolas, and Gonzo is Gandalf. I don’t know if it would be better, but it would at least be as epic as the original.


t1_j2e2kim wrote

Ok, now I can't get Gonzo screaming "You shall not pass!" out of my head 😅


t1_j2e4a9i wrote

“A wizard is never late, Frodo Baggins. Nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.”


t1_j2e4tga wrote

Gonzo and the rats were a good pairing in A Muppet Christmas Carol. I can imagine Bilbo’s party with hundreds of rats and Gonzo and Bilbo rat blowing smoke rings.


t1_j2dwpyg wrote

Kermit as Jason Bourne. miss piggy as the hard nose cia supervisor trying to hunt him down.


t1_j2e1oqg wrote

Kermit jumping rooftop to rooftop which shows a stick underneath him as he jumps


t1_j2dztft wrote

Gonzo wakes up in a disgusting bathtub chained to the wall of the dark rancid bathroom, Fozzy sitting defeated in the opposite corner, they turn on the lights to see Kermit's dead body lies in a pool of blood between them. They find a tape player and hit play -

"Hi ho, Kermit the Frog here, I wanna play a game."


t1_j2dx313 wrote

The Blues Brothers with muppets is such a good idea, my head exploded.


t1_j2dvtfw wrote

Kermit turns as he walks away - "I am Shiva the God of death."


t1_j2dwdxx wrote

Sam the Eagle as D-fens from Falling Down would inject humor into an otherwise serious movie


t1_j2dyur5 wrote

The Prestige except one of the >!Borden twins!< is actually a muppet and the plot twist becomes painfully obvious from the beginning.

Yeah probably an improvement /s


t1_j2dzogk wrote

Stupid question, every movie would be better with a Muppet remake😊


t1_j2dyfjg wrote

The Night of the Hunter with muppets probably works honestly


t1_j2dylic wrote

Children of Men

Miss Piggy, the leader of the underground rebellion, ropes Kermit into helping ferry a pregnant chicken to safety. Gonzo is the accompanying midwife.


t1_j2dzy7y wrote

I don’t know if it would be better, but I would definitely watch an inglorious bastards muppets movie.


t1_j2dw4bl wrote

Alien, where Kermit is Ripley, Fozzie Bear is Kane, Sam Eagle is Dallas, Gonzo is Ash... and Animal is the "xenomorph."

And yes, yes it is.

EDIT: The scene in the Narcissus with Kermit in his tiny underwear will be tres magnifique!


t1_j2dyj17 wrote

Amadeus made as a muppet movie would actually be amazing... I mean c'mon, Kermit as Mozart, Piggy as Constanze, Sam the Eagle as Salieri. It would work!


t1_j2dyjlx wrote

I genuinely don't know if the emperor's new groove would be better as Muppets or not because that film is perfect animated


t1_j2e2j1h wrote

The Emperor's New Groove is perfect. Don't touch it. Seriously underrated Disney movie.


t1_j2dyk4y wrote

Gonzo walks away and looks over his shoulder saying “Forget it, Jake, it’s Muppettown.”


t1_j2dyspn wrote

….yikes. Now I’m picturing poor Kermit getting hang raped in Shawshank prison.


t1_j2dz2ja wrote

Of course they have to do Taken after hearing Seth McFarlane’s impression of Kermit doing an impression of Liam Nesson


t1_j2e1j3n wrote

Jurassic Muppet

A giant, plush-looking tyrannosaur menacing Kermit & crew. Sounds fun to me.


t1_j2dxoyb wrote

Back to School? Groundhogs Day? The Fifth Element?

All with the Muppets would be interesting.


t1_j2e0kk8 wrote

Fifth element as a Muppet movie would be amazing. Groundhog day... I'd like to see Fozzy as the lead, Kermit could be Ned.


t1_j2dyt47 wrote

Fight Club - Beaker is the narrator, Piggy is Marla, Tyler is Sam The Eagle maybe? Jared leto is whichever one you want to see get beat up. Bob is Fozzie


t1_j2dzhrv wrote

I don't think Inception with the Muppets would work.

Now, favorite bad movie? I think The Room with the Muppets would be hilarious. Just keep Tommy in his role as the token human.


t1_j2e1lt6 wrote

Miss Piggy as Lisa and Kermit as Mark, of course. Scooter as Denny. Fonzie would be underwears guy. "Waka waka!"


t1_j2e1tur wrote

I kinda liked Gonzo as Denny so I could make Rizzo Chris-R (Rizzo is my favorite, so even if he's mostly been phased out, I'm casting him, damn it!)


t1_j2e06ex wrote

ConAir with Nicholas Cage surrounded by muppets is such a great mental image to me.


t1_j2e0hod wrote

I would love Lord of the Rings or Pride and Prejudice Muppets. Give me Kermit Frodo and Miss Piggy as Lady Catherine De Bourgh.


t1_j2e0sou wrote

Star Wars would be ok, it’s 1/2 muppets already


t1_j2e198p wrote

The Big Lebowski with muppets would be pretty amazing. John Goodman would still have to be Walter though


t1_j2e32j3 wrote

Pride and Prejudice muppet version.

It would be amazing.

I would have to think it through on who would play Elizabeth and Mrs. Bennet because I believe firmly that Piggy should play Lady Catherine deBourgh.


t1_j2dxc93 wrote

My cousin Vinny would be a million times better— let Miss Piggy and Kermit say ‘fuck’ 😤😤


t1_j2dzlwx wrote

You Don’t Mess With The Zohan was MADE for muppetry


t1_j2dzyxm wrote

American psycho with Muppets. That would be an interesting watch.


t1_j2e07sf wrote

Fozzy as The Bear Jew would be FANTASTIC.


t1_j2e3dtr wrote

Kermit: "Each and every man under my command owes me 100 Nazi scalps. And I want my scalps. And all y'all will get me 100 Nazi scalps taken from the heads of 100 dead Nazis. Or you will die trying! YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY"


t1_j2e08ef wrote

Peter Jackson’s Braindead (aka Dead Alive)

  • Kermit as Lionel *”Party’s Over.”
  • Miss Piggie as Paquita ”Your mother ate my dog!!”
  • Sam Eagle as Mr. Matheson “What!? No pudding!?”

t1_j2e0c8p wrote

Muppet Centipede.

The costume design was a highlight.

Dr. Bunsen Honeydew snaps his tether and sews Kermit, Ralph, and Fozzie together.

I'm unsure how they'd puppeteer it, is all.

Muppet Centipede 2 Full Sequence involves Sesame Street.
Muppet Centipede 3 Final Sequence involves Gelflings and Skeksies.


t1_j2e0d9h wrote

"Son of a bitch he stole my line "


t1_j2e0g5o wrote

Crazy Harry in any Marvel movie - “Did somebody say blast?”


t1_j2e0q53 wrote

There will be stuffing


t1_j2e4mzh wrote

I was going to say There Will Be Fluff

Gonzo berating Scooter with

I'd like you to tell me that you are, and have been, a false prophet. And that God is a superstition.


t1_j2e0sj3 wrote

Apocalypse Cow starring Kermit as Willard and Gonzo as Colonel Kurtz. “Shit. I’m still only in Saigon” Kermit says as he drinks himself stupid before Rolph and Animal take him on a PBR boat fifty clicks up river. “That’s Cambodia, Kermit!” Fozzy Bear says as he smokes a huge joint and tries to keep his squad together through the jungle.


t1_j2e0xe5 wrote

The Lord of the Muppets: the Two Towers

Sarusam the Eagle: "A new power is rising. It's victory is at hand."

Tens of thousands of Animals rattle their spears.


t1_j2e1ub8 wrote

I’m praying that the powers that be are reading this and a string of movie remakes with Muppets are in our future.


t1_j2e3umd wrote

Holly shit. Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samupprais.

Kermit as kambei.
Scooter as Shichiroji.
Rizzo as Katsuhiro.
Fozzy as Heihachi.
Gonzo as gorobei.
Sam eagle as Kyuzo.
And of course, animal as kikuchiyo.

I would bankrupt myself and my whole family to fund this project


t1_j2e5oql wrote

The Shawshank Muppets.... This might actually be good.


t1_j2e5p1u wrote

“The only good bug is a dead bug” -Kermit

“Would you like to know more? Wocka wocka!”


t1_j2dyz37 wrote

Saw Raimis Spider-Man 1 and 2 would be surprisingly better


t1_j2e1a4y wrote

If in Evolution all the aliens were muppets, I don't know that it'd be better, but I do really wanna know which is which and who scores those kills.


t1_j2e1csv wrote

Kermit is beat an exhausted on top of a dilapidated apartment building, raindrops streaming down his face. He looks up at gonzo, with a look of both terror and relief but mostly confusion. Gonzo sits down, the lights of the city fully illuminating him in dark night. Gonzo’s eyes gloss over and he says “I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe…”

All replicants are played by muppets. Occasionally a muppet/replicant is seen in crowds with no explanation given.


t1_j2e2ynr wrote

This is hilarious! It would be so obvious to the audience, but none of the humans in the movie could figure out that the muppets are replicants.


t1_j2e1fc9 wrote

Muppet Nights

Mrs. Piggy as Vera Kermit as Sugar Ray Donald Glover as Quick

Quick: I ain't playin' games no more. You put that fuckin' razor away or I'll blow your goddamn pinky toe off!

Vera: Oh! Now you're gonna shoot me in my pinky toe


t1_j2e1isn wrote

Shawshank Redemption but with Muppets. Imagine Kermit, crawling 300 yards through a tunnel of shit and comes out clean on the other side. Take my monies.


t1_j2e1j7e wrote

LOTR with Muppets just sounds amazing! Scooter as Fordo, Fozzie as Sam. Kermit as Aragorn, Miss Piggy as Arwen, Gonzo and Rizzo as Legolas and Gimli. Sam The Eagle as Gandalf. Pepe and The Swedish Chef as Merry and Pippin.


t1_j2e1jyf wrote

The Usual Suspects.

The line up scene where Benicio del Toro farted would be epic with Oscar playing del Toro's part.


t1_j2e1odd wrote

Shawshank Redemption...Kermit as Andy Dufrain, Animal as head guard Byron Hadley, Gonzo as the Warden Fozzie Bear as Red. And the Swedish Chef as (forget his name) the bull queen. Comedy Gold!!!!


t1_j2e1p96 wrote

Lord of the Rings with Kermit as Frodo and Fozzy as Sam. Maybe have Gonzo as Gollum. Probably a bit better just cuz of the novelty of it.


t1_j2e1whp wrote

Not my favorite movie but could you imagine the weird ass combination between the muppets and Terrifier? LOL!


t1_j2e1xk1 wrote

Wes Anderson making a Muppets movie just makes sense and Kermit and Miss Piggy as Richie and Margot Tenenbaum kinda does too , plus sad Kermit already did Needle In The Hay


t1_j2e23r8 wrote

Her with muppets would still be SO Spike Jonze/Charlie Kaufman. Would watch.


t1_j2e291p wrote

reservoir dogs.. line to line remake with beaker as mister pink.


t1_j2e29rm wrote

Can you imagine the Muppets taking over John wick? Keanu murdering Muppets. It'd be a hoot.


t1_j2e2bv6 wrote

Imagine Back to the Future with Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem as the band at the school dance. Marty starts shredding and Animal goes nuts destroying everything on stage.


t1_j2e2hhx wrote

Jurassic Park - I think Gonzo as John Hammond has gotta be amazing. With Fozzie as Muldoon


t1_j2e2hym wrote

I can think of some mobster movies that would be really funny with muppets. Just imagining Joe Pesci’s dialogue from Casino being done by Rizzo the Rat.


t1_j2e2j4m wrote

Taxi Driver. Everyone is a Muppet, except Jodi Foster.


t1_j2e2jy8 wrote

Pulp fiction. It would be so fucking funny.


t1_j2e2kk6 wrote

Not my favourite film but the Three Musketeers would be a great Muppet movie.

D'Artagnan is a younger Muppet (Robin or Walter)

Kermit is Athos, Piggy is Lady de Winter, Gonzo is Aramis (except instead of wanting to join the priesthood while chasing women, he wants to join the circus while chasing chickens), Fozzie is Porthos

Pepe is the Man with the Black Moustache Sam is Cardinal Richelieu

Buckingham is Link Hogthrob


t1_j2e2nsx wrote

I don't know which would be better, Muppet Fight Club, Muppet: Fury Road or Muppet Whiplash.


t1_j2e2o55 wrote

Probably worse but Star Wars revenge of the sith could be quite funny on muppets


t1_j2e2rhb wrote

Not a film, but Fozzy losing his mind as his staff bicker and fight, as his beef sandwich shop drains money by the hour. Final scene is him, swiping the new order ticket machine onto the floor….

The (Fozzy) Bear


t1_j2e2suv wrote

The answer is always better. No Country For Old Men


t1_j2e2t07 wrote

I think Jurassic Park with muppets is just an entirely different movie


t1_j2e2tsl wrote

"We were somewhere around barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold." Yes please make a muppet version of falilv


t1_j2e2u8u wrote

Give me Miss Piggy as Hans Gruber trying to stop Kermit from foiling her evil plot


t1_j2e2x80 wrote

Muppet Fight Club would honestly be better. Like the original Fight Club is incredible already but if you bring Muppets into it, it would be perfect.


t1_j2e2zai wrote

The Departed. I'm not sure if it would be funnier to leave Mark Wahlberg as the only human or make him a muppet


t1_j2e6pm9 wrote

Leave him. I want to see him getting shitty with Muppets


t1_j2e30wa wrote

District 9, but only the aliens are replaced by Muppets. Wikus and other humans are played by the original actors.


t1_j2e35cm wrote

Can't imagine Kermit the frog racing down a California highway in a 68 Shelby GT500!?! Or Gonzo being the bad guy with a Scottish accent!😆


t1_j2e3ajx wrote

An Interstellar muppets! As long as the soundtrack is the same I’d watch it! It could still be just as good as long the muppets are incorporated into the story well. I trust Nolan to get the job done. 😂

Edit: are the muppets replacing all or just some of the actors in this scenario?


t1_j2e3bfo wrote

Pineapple Express with the Muppets would kick ass.


t1_j2e3h4b wrote

12 Angry Muppets?

Kermit as Juror #8.

Oscar the Grouch as Juror #10.

Waldorf as Juror #9.

The Swedish Chef as Juror #11


t1_j2e3ig1 wrote

Apocalypse Now with Kermit as Capt Willard. Hearing his narratives as he make his way up the river in Kermit’s voice would be awesome. No idea who to put on for Col. Kurtz, but Fonzie Bear would be great in Hopper’s role as the journalist. Round out the crew of the boat with members of the band.


t1_j2e3l3z wrote

Trick question, everything is better with The Muppets. Star Wars with Muppets but Mark Hammil is still Luke. Taken with Muppets but Liam Neeson plays the same part. Die Hard with Muppets but Alan Rickman is still the bad guy. Forrest Gump with Muppets, keep only Lieutenant Dan. Scream with Muppets, keep only Neve Campbell. Law and Order with Muppets, keep only Jerry Orbach. It's a foolproof formula.


t1_j2e3mbm wrote

Better. The muppets always makes things better.

I would love to see Ex Machina done by the muppets


t1_j2e3olx wrote

I’m thinking of the Thing with Muppets and I’m not sure if it’s worse or not. Probably more horrifying with the practical effects, god knows what bursts from a Muppets stomach when the Thing reveals itself. I can see Rizzo screaming to be untied from the couch.


t1_j2e3qhx wrote

Kermit- Jeffrey Lebowski



Miss Piggy-Maude


Sam Eagle- The Stranger


t1_j2e3y2l wrote

Better, always better, I am a horror movie fanatic so imagine a Muppet "Friday 13th" or "Scream" with goofy characters and dance numbers but also still have all the blood and gore, absolutely amazing.


t1_j2e45k1 wrote

I dunno if I have a favorite exactly, but I do think "The Third Muppet" would be pretty good

Fozzie Bear as Holly Martins, Kermit as Harry Lime, Gonzo as Major Calloway, desperately trying to convince Fozzie that he's in way over his head


t1_j2e497i wrote

Monty python holy grail with muppets. Yes please


t1_j2e4fhn wrote

The first Saw, with Kermit and Gonzo's puppeteers chained to the wall, and they have to pull themselves free of their puppeteers to win the game.

Ms Piggy can be Jigsaw.


t1_j2e4hq8 wrote

I like the premise of replacing every actor in a movie with muppets but one. And that last human actor plays it entirely straight. Like Michael Corleone is still Al Pacino giving the same performance, but everyone else is a muppet.


t1_j2e4tg9 wrote

The Scary Movie franchise

Too many scenes to mention 😂


t1_j2e4zj3 wrote

But what if my favorite film is The Muppet Movie?


t1_j2e5lfb wrote

Not really a movie, but Breaking Bad with Dr. Honeydew and Beeker.


t1_j2e67ks wrote

Children Of Men with muppets would be epic. I’d watch it.


t1_j2e9184 wrote

The Muppetfather -

Kermit is Vito ll Miss Piggy is Vito’s Wife ll Gonzo is Michael ll Camilla the Chicken is Kay ll Pepe the Prawn is Sonny ll Rizzo is Tom Hagen ll Janice is Connie ll Beaker is Fredo ll Animal is Carlo ll Fozzie Bear is Tessio ll Swedish Chef is Clemenza ll Dr. Teeth is Johnny Fontane ll Cookie Monster is Enzo the Baker ll Honeydew is Moe Greene ll Big Bird is Al Neri ll Another Chicken is Appolonia ll Sweetums is Luca Brasi ll Sam the Eagle is Captain McClusky ll Grover is Solozzo ll Elmo is Barzini ll Oscar the Grouch is Jack Woltz ll Bert Fabrizzio ll Ernie as Calo ll Scooter as Don Tommasino ll Bean Bunny as Appolonia’s Father ll Count von Count as the undertaker ll Statler and Waldorf as other mob bosses at the five families meeting


t1_j2ee8xy wrote

Screw favourite movies.

Give us A Serbian Film with every character is a Muppet except for the lead.


t1_j2egfvw wrote

Most movies would be made better, but not even the muppets could improve Princess Bride. They could equal it at best.


t1_j2elr6v wrote


Kermit is The Driver (Ryan Gosling).
Miss Piggy is Irene (Carey Mulligan).
Rowlf the Dog is Standard (Oscar Isaac).
Gonzo is Shannon (Bryan Cranston).
Janice is Blanche (Christina Hendricks).
Waldorf and Statler are Bernie (Albert Brooks) and Nino (Ron Perlman).

Or you keep Albert Brooks as Bernie.


t1_j2eqf8c wrote

Kermit the Frog here. And uhhhhh welcome to Jackass. YAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!


t1_j2exst3 wrote

Event Horizon…yeah, I’m totally on board for that.


t1_j2e0sh5 wrote

This is a dumb fucking post just trying to bait people into being contrarians.

It’s always better. Zero chance the film is worse. Zero.

Schindlers List with muppets? Better. Roots with muppets? Better. Short circuit 2 with muppets? Believe or not,better. If you undercook fish? Better.

We have the best patients on earth, because of muppets.