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Shafe1975 t1_j2atcf5 wrote

I still cringe when he gets glass in his feet


Skirt_Thin t1_j2awn0z wrote

Interesting tidbit. They made special shoes that look like feet, so he could run through the glass without injury.


maggoty t1_j2df0v7 wrote

I thought the glass was the fake rubber stuff that looks real.


NinthConfiguration t1_j2auw4b wrote

Every time he takes his shoes and socks off to make fists with his toes I think "don't do it, you'll regret it!"


marblecannon512 t1_j2c25rg wrote

Fists wit yer toes


CxOrillion t1_j2dprqk wrote

Another thing: that whole fists with your toes thing was just invented as a plot device to get McClane to take off his shoes. But I've heard people actually reference it as a technique


CrazyStar_ t1_j2e4jq1 wrote

I've seen the film about at least eight times but only on my most recent re-watch (this Christmas) did I connect what the fella said on the plane to why he is running around shoeless lol.


waltdiesintheend t1_j2b1e39 wrote

My family will random shout “shoot the glass” at each other in our worst Alan Rickman voice. Just got a huge dose of it during the holidays lol.


ScipioCoriolanus t1_j2bbz2b wrote

Schiess dem Fenster...


Octavius-26 t1_j2bffvx wrote

SHOOT tha glassssss!


King_Buliwyf t1_j2djhhf wrote

Why did he clarify his order by speaking English to a fellow German?


Octavius-26 t1_j2dkkjn wrote

I have no idea… Karl seemed to have a WTF you talking about moment there…

Or Hans was just speaking shitty German…?


redsoxsteve9 t1_j2dl78j wrote

I just figured Hans was strategizing and didn’t want John to know what he was saying to Karl. Then he switched back to English out of frustration/let the audience in on it.


OzymandiasKoK t1_j2atzrb wrote

Glass? Who gives a shit about glass?


StepYaGameUp t1_j2aw2pn wrote



OzymandiasKoK t1_j2b0ijj wrote

No, it's a reference.


StepYaGameUp t1_j2b0pvx wrote

I know the line. I’ve seen the movie 100+ times.

When McClain delivers that line it’s foreshadowing to later in the film when HE has to care about glass. The glass blocking his way and in his foot.


OzymandiasKoK t1_j2b0yln wrote

I know the line. I’ve seen the movie 100+ times.

When I delivered that line, it was a reference to when that happened.


happylittletreehouse t1_j2au8rl wrote

This movie and Home Alone ( when Marv cuts his feet on the Christmas bulbs) always make me cringe.


FormerIceCreamEater t1_j2bvxtm wrote

Marv was the victim in those movies.


CheapLute t1_j2cu8s1 wrote

In the first one, sorta. He was still a thieving shit. In the second one, no. They were literally trying to kill Kevin, with Marv screaming at Harry to shoot him.