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Mg5581 t1_j28bcr5 wrote

I don’t think anyone would rate a film lower for having a lot of blood, that’s the same logic as liking it more for having a lot of blood. Seasoned movie viewers can handle cinematic violence.


Stinsation18 t1_j28p8qn wrote

No it's not. People are naturally squeamish and have a hard time looking at blood. Maybe not a majority of people, but there is a large contingency of folks that have a hard time with blood and gore. There are a lot of people that love movies and watch movies but avoid the horror and over the top action movies that I'm sure have seen more movies than you and I combined. I would consider them seasoned regardless of they could handle blood or not. I bet we could roll through RT or another movie rating site for this film or another like 300 and we would find people giving it out reviews for the violent stuff but few people praising it for the blood and gore.
