Submitted by t3_10q9ad0 in movies

There are a few already established 'honorary' positions like how Galaxyquest is rated as one of the best Star Trek movies, but I'm talking how something fits the rules and tones of another universe.

For example; Crank and Crank 2: High Voltage are in the 'Saints Row' universe in my mind. The somewhat nameless main character goes on an insane real world crime ridden adventure where all kinds of wacky events take place, and by the time the second movie has ended he's seemingly a household name and is borderline a superhero, exactly like Saints Row logic.

Another would be how the fandoms (and even the developers have joked) of Lara Croft's Tomb Raider and the Uncharted series have adopted the Indiana Jones franchise as loosely canon to their timelines

I'll even take fun little continuities like how Alan Tudyk's character in Transformers 3 is a character he played early in his career in 28 days, at least in his own mind.

Let's hear em!



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t1_j6oocnw wrote

My Dinner with Andre is a Terminator movie and no, I will not elaborate further


t1_j6opjuc wrote

Computer chess is a prequel to Terminator.


OP t1_j6owfeb wrote

What about Wargames?


t1_j6oxg4o wrote

WOPR doesn't learn to hate humanity.

It is an anti-Skynet.


OP t1_j6p77sz wrote

But it's existence wasn't threatened. Skynet only fought back when they tried to pull the plug.


t1_j6pbqxk wrote

Great point.

Skynet 1 reacts.

We don’t know why Skynet 2 did what it did.

But Skynet 3-5 nuked humanity proactively.

Also, I like to think the Matrix movies take place in a world where Skynet was not defeated.


t1_j6omve1 wrote

Collateral is in the transporter universe

Event horizon is in the hellraiser universe


t1_j6p5tzd wrote

I’ve often though Event Horizon would make a good futuristic supplement for the D&D setting of Ravenloft.


t1_j6oqifd wrote

Enemy of the State is a sequel to The Conversation


t1_j6orv8i wrote

Soldier (1998) is in the same universe as Blade Runner and mentions the battle of Tannhauser Gate and the battle of Orion. Blade Runner is also set in the same universe as Alien, which was confirmed on the 20th anniversary DVD for Alien in 1999 which included an extra scene of Dallas confirming he took a paycheck from the Tyrell Corporation.


t1_j6omogr wrote

The shit I took this morning fits perfectly into the Marvel Cinema Universe


t1_j6osm7a wrote

The Losers is a Battlefield: Bad Company film. (Yes, I know it's based on the comic)

Also, ditto for The A-Team movie.


OP t1_j6ovvv3 wrote

Kinda feel like Far Cry might be in there somewhere too. Especially the latter ones.


t1_j6p1hzf wrote

Definitely in terms of locals, but Far Cry is typically much more lone wolf story/gameplay. BF:BC games carried big 80s action ensemble vibes, and I always felt like A-Team and Losers channeled the same energy.


t1_j6oug6m wrote

I think Terminator and the Matrix go hand in hand.


t1_j6owznl wrote

Robocop and Total Recall also belong with these two…

…meanwhile, John Wick, The Matrix, and Constantine could also be in a Keanu Reeves universe of their own. You can build plot lines that envelop either of these universes very well…and you could also link them all together.


t1_j6oyn0h wrote

I got you. I think the Terminator movies represent the Matrix’s machine world and the war between man and machine prior to the machines creating the matrix. When the Matrix came out I always thought it was a perfect segue.


t1_j6ozwn0 wrote

Absolutely. Meanwhile, Robocop could be a story within the Terminator franchise. So could I Robot, I guess.

For me, the John Wick stories are a Neo reboot that come after Matrix 3. Then you get another reboot with Constantine because he ‘dies’ at the end of John Wick 3, and the machine world are still trying to sedate him, then Matrix 4 to another reboot, where he rediscovers that he’s Neo. Meanwhile, Total Recall (both versions) are just mind fuck side stories.


t1_j6pbw0x wrote

Being John Malkovich and Get Out are in the same universe.


t1_j6otssz wrote

Wanted the comic book, not the movie and John Wick are in the same universe.

In the comic Wanted it is about a world where the Villain's defeated all the super heroes and then relatively normal life continued.


OP t1_j6p5vf5 wrote

Another that comes to mind is The Martian either actually happened or the novel exists in The Expanse show, as a ship is named for the main character.


OP t1_j6p8ngu wrote

The Addams Family shares a universe with Death Becomes Her.

The potion of immortality is shown to have affected Bruce Willis's hand, restoring it to youth. This same thing happened to Goldie Hawn and Meryl Streeps characters before they 'died', but the final scene of the movie shows their limbs able to move independently of their severed heads, implying autonomy or remote consciousness and control.

Bruce however didn't take the potion, but his hand was shown to be restored to perfect function when he is able to nail a throw he had been shown earlier as being unable to do, during his escape from the immortal cult, implying the potions effects had taken hold.

The Thing is Bruce Willis's characters hand, continuing to be animated after the rest of his body died.


t1_j6op0v9 wrote

Alien/Aliens/Predator/Jaws take place in the Muppets universe.


t1_j6oumfk wrote

I can't remember the name of the show, but it was a medical show where it turned out it was all in the imagination of a kid (I think Saint Elsewhere was the name, but not sure).

Anyway, there were a ton of cameos on that show, which means that these shows would then also be part of this kids imagination, and the shows had other cameos making the ripple effect go so far.


t1_j6p6ik6 wrote

It was indeed St Elsewhere. I’ve always run under the assumption the kid overheard these shows and inserted them into his fantasy, just because there’s rarely connection between the series outside of St Elsewhere.


t1_j6p77zf wrote

Tod from Parenthood is actually Ted from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure.

What happened is Ted got depressed about issues with his Dad, so he borrowed the time machine to start a new life in an alternate timeline.


t1_j6pdls1 wrote

I feel evil dead and phantasm could share the same universe.