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BatmanMK1989 OP t1_j6i5wgk wrote

The relationship with JD and Turk. The amazingness of Cox. The guest stars. Never a huge Elliot fan, but this show is fantastic. Opinion of course. Not every show is for everyone. This was one of the last network comedies that was truly exceptional, IMO.


jngjng88 t1_j6i7jpp wrote

Just to name a few:
Arrested Development
Parks & Rec
Brooklyn Nine Nine

Scrubs is so utterly middling & lazily written, the whole setting is just a prop, it's like a comedy version of a Bruckheimer procedural, just being honest.


BatmanMK1989 OP t1_j6i9lk1 wrote

Wow, great list. Arrested and Parks are all time favorites of mine. The Netflix stuff kind of fell flat, but I still appreciate it existing. And, coincidently, going through the last season of B99 right now and sort of really dislike it. This is not the show I look to for viewpoints on real life events, such as police issues. And ooh, Rosa is high, wow how great is it that weed is now available everywhere!? Holt and Jake's interplay has always been the best of that show for me. Braugher breathed life into a truly memorable character. Impeccable delivery.


jngjng88 t1_j6iagg2 wrote

We don't talk about the last season of B99 ☠️
absolutely ruined a great show.

Completely agree with everything you said & yeah absolutely loved Braugher/Holt


BatmanMK1989 OP t1_j6iauo1 wrote

Ok, glad it wasnt just me who was bothered by the way it was. 5 episodes left.


jngjng88 t1_j6ib7vs wrote

There were like a few laughable moments in the last season, but mostly a huge disappointment