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Zachariot88 t1_j6nrgd3 wrote

The most baffling part of that show is that they set up a very emotional scene with Bucky and his neighbor for his atonement arc, then don't show us. So... we needed to see Anthony Mackie apply for bank loans and fix a boat, but not see a man find out >!his friend murdered his son!<? What?!


Pixel_Engine t1_j6nxupi wrote

I have a suspicion that the scene was filmed, but that it just didn't play well. I found Ken Takemoto pretty weak in his role, tbh. I was also expecting that scene and disappointed with the final cut, but I felt like based on his other scenes and reaction at the door I also would have been disappointed with the full conversation.

The series was definitely at its best when they slowed down for the in-depth character conversations, though. Sam and Bucky training at home was one of the very best bits.