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t1_j68nsq1 wrote

Maybe, but it’s the best way to gauge public reaction to a film. Box office used to be a more helpful indicator but in the streaming era, besides anecdotal stories (like my personal experience of almost no one I know claiming to have enjoyed Knives Out 2), those user-rating based sites are really all we have to gauge the reaction to something.

But for his older pre-streaming work you could definitely still point to box office and lackluster exit polling as an indicator that his work wasn’t exactly winning over audiences—at least relative to the critical reactions.


t1_j68of3b wrote

Most viewers don’t rate a movie anywhere, only movie snobs


t1_j68ote4 wrote

I don’t think this is true these days with social media and everyone on their phones and giving thumbs up/down on Netflix or a rating on RT etc. Many average viewers passively rate films in a way that used to only be reserved for the “film geeks.”

A site like Letterboxd is obviously a different animal though.


t1_j68qdfi wrote

I watch more movies than anyone I know and I’ve never rated or reviewed anything officially on any website. No one I’ve ever met has either.