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t1_j68pkwf wrote

Again, I will ask you to refer to my other comment for an explanation of why I find it interesting to discuss or acknowledge. To be clear, for my own personal enjoyment (or lack thereof) of a piece of art, I couldn’t care less what the general reaction is amongst critics or fans.

But in discussing the history of a film or a director (especially in circumstances where opinion shifted over time or things were reassessed) then it can absolutely be interesting to consider.


OP t1_j68q5v4 wrote



t1_j68qsz6 wrote

I think the reality is that you read my topic title, made false assumptions about what my intent was, and then lobbied accusations at me based on your incorrect assumptions.

Now that I’m clarifying my intent and my perspective and giving you substance to respond to, you can’t do so and you’re just telling me I’m “wrong” and that I’m “lazy” instead of explaining what it is that you disagree with in my other response where I explained why I find the topic interesting. I never once said or implied that an audience reaction should “matter” in terms of one’s own enjoyment of a piece of art.

If you can’t have a civil disagreement or discussion and have to insult people and call them lazy when you can’t actually defend your accusations, then perhaps you shouldn’t be on a message board. That’s just not how this works, even if you do think I’m wrong.


OP t1_j68r41l wrote



t1_j68ri6y wrote

Twice so far in this thread I’ve acknowledged that I did not realize the show only released yesterday, as I had been reading about it for at least the last week, and saw it featured on the home screen of my smart TV, so I thought it came out last week. So yes, I did respond to that and admit that I did not know it just came out.

But that wasn’t really the crux of what you were saying about me / my post. Again, I am not and was never implying that audience reaction should impact one’s personal enjoyment of something.
