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DarthKava t1_j6hme28 wrote

I remember watching Frontline when it first came out. Awesome show. Feels like Utopia is written by the same people. Rob Sitch probably. Never watched Hollowmen. I’ll check it out. Thank you. I remember another one based on preparation for Sydney olympics called “The Game”. It was so funny. In the same style as Utopia.


sambodia85 t1_j6hrgow wrote

Working Dog Productions had an incredible run, so many of Australia’s cultural touchstones were made by them.


SpecificAstronaut69 t1_j6kaztk wrote

Frontline had the laziest writers...

...they didn't have to dream up anything because they pretty much ripped stunts from ACA and other "current affairs" drivel.

That one where they were being "chased" by cops was all from the Skase affair.