Submitted by njdevils901 t3_10pn4q1 in movies

Listen I know it is pretty terrible, and everyone hates it, including most of Reddit. But I re-watched it earlier today and I laughed quite a bit, way more than I laughed with the first one. There are so many well-executed visual comedy gags that I was kind of baffled that people just took it as a bad horror movie. There is a lot of intentionally bad stuff, but unlike Sharknado where even the CGI and special effects (makeup, gore) is horrible. This movie seems to genuinely care about the horror in this film, and making it as over the top as the remake. And unlike Sharknado, the gags in this are genuinely kind of great. You have Ving Rhames with titanium legs with a shotgun attached, and everytime he shoots, the gun seems to not even be aimed at the piranhas he is shooting at but he hits every single one. Is that intentional or not, I really don't know but it made me laugh hysterically. And then there is 3 dolly shots back-to-back-to-back towards David Hasselhoff as people are yelling for help around him, and after every single dolly shot he doesn't do anything. And again, I laughed hysterically at that as well, because it was a pretty darn well-crafted visual comedy gag.

Now I may be going crazy or maybe parody-style humor amuses me a lot (I love Not Another Teen Movie, They Came Together, and Superhero Movie). All I know is that I kind of love it, and I kind of think it is brilliant. Please someone back me up, because no one seems to think the same, and I am wondering if I should get a brain scan tomorrow



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[deleted] t1_j6lef5x wrote

Lots of people love cult films as I do so you’re definitely not crazy for liking that film a lot.


jojowasher t1_j6lfhl1 wrote

Haven't watched this one, but watched Piranha 3D just a couple weeks ago, good for shutting your brain off and just chilling, might watch this one tonight.


njdevils901 OP t1_j6lft7s wrote

I re-watched Piranha 3D the other night and had a very nice time, reminded me of Final Destination 2 in how utterly mean-spirited and non-stop it is with its horror against the human body. Really entertaining stuff, Aja is a solid horror director because there is moments in Piranha 3D that are genuinely horrifying and have stuck with me for the past decade


RtdFgtAU t1_j6llar4 wrote

I really loved Piranha 3dd, it actually made me consider being straight for a few minutes.


Jack_Q_Frost_Jr t1_j6ln8rx wrote

I haven't seen it since the theatrical release, and as I remember it wasn't a great night out, so that may have colored my opinion. I'm glad it held up for you and was fun.


Brown_Panther- t1_j6lz7vs wrote

Is it the one with the Piranha hiding in the girl’s vagina and then bites the dick of the guy she’s having sex with?


ShaunTrek t1_j6mq2qd wrote

It does have some brilliant moments (mostly the Hasselhoff stuff you mentioned), but it was made for about $3.50, and it shows. Primarily in the performances.


WinterWindWhip t1_j6n0grn wrote

It's so campy I don't know how anyone can unironically hate it, but people can fairly call it too dumb. Hasselhoff stopping to catch his breath after three steps in slomo was kinda the signature. Either you though that was hilarious or dumb.


Nord4Ever t1_j6nt2la wrote

If James Cameron did one then it can’t be all bad


EnhancerSpecialist t1_j6o7wm4 wrote

Why do you need to justify your enjoyment of a movie to somebody else