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Hotdog_Ketchup t1_j6k136f wrote

The particulars of the resource in question are not as important as what it represents, which is unfettered expansion, consumption, conquering the untamed stars because humanity has used up too much of Earth. The themes of the film are broad, but that is exactly what Cameron is trying to accomplish, make spanning, universal stories.

The comments here saying that the film is "too long" and how much of it "doesn't advance the story" are frankly depressing. Cameron respects his audience enough to let the film breathe, to have the viewer really feel the spectacle. He doesn't spend a decade on CG tech to stroke his own dick, he does it so that his story has a soul. The beauty of Pandora's oceans is not "showing off", it's critical to the essence of the film.


callipygiancultist t1_j6k2wap wrote

Media literacy is dead, and people can’t enjoy visual splendor and visual storytelling anymore apparently. Classic storytelling is to be picked apart and deconstructed. The only important thing is “plot” and cramming as much into every scene as possible so there’s no possibility of lingering in uncomfortable emotions.

Modern directors are like “Oh no, the audiences are having a genuine emotional experience, quick, throw in some quips or some back door pilot or some fan service shit!”


TehNoobDaddy t1_j6l95ub wrote

Blame things like tiktok and social media, peoples attention spans are awful these days. This applies to all media tbh.