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magus-21 t1_j6khse9 wrote

That is like asking, "What is the overall story of Star Trek?"

The answer is the same: it's an ongoing series that follows the adventures of a cast of characters that evolve and change over time.

Hence what I said before: "Which is to say, they may not have a fixed 'grand narrative,' but they do pay attention to continuity, and the characters and storylines develop within that continuity."

You are acting as if the only stories worth telling are the ones that need to revolve around a central plot, as if it's the plot that matters and not the characters that drive it.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6kiue1 wrote

It's just the same "adventure" in every single movie. Introduce new generic big bad guy, heroes get into cgi fight with big bad guy, heroes win, rinse and repeat. There is zero reason to follow these movies in order.

Meanwhile 90% of the characters are just the same generic quip machine, there is not a single interesting character in the MCU


magus-21 t1_j6klqk5 wrote

>It's just the same "adventure" in every single movie. Introduce new generic big bad guy, heroes get into cgi fight with big bad guy, heroes win, rinse and repeat. There is zero reason to follow these movies in order

This sounds more like you making an excuse for your inability to follow anything past a single movie. Sorry, that's your own fault, not anyone else's, especially not the MCU's.

Each movie might use the same three-act formula, but the characters change, and when characters change, the story changes. Which is again why I compare it to a TV series like Star Trek.

>Meanwhile 90% of the characters are just the same generic quip machine, there is not a single interesting character in the MCU

Every character looks one dimensional if you don't have the attention span to connect even just two movies together compared to when you do.


Literally your whole posting history (at least recently) is just you shitting on other people for the movies they like, and not just the MCU. I hope that you one day learn to enjoy a movie without putting others down.


CrackPlug80 t1_j6kqxuc wrote

>This sounds more like you making an excuse for your inability to follow anything past a single movie

Ok then explain what I'm missing? What is the overarching story of the MCU ?


magus-21 t1_j6ktpmx wrote

Already did. And like I said, in case you missed my edit:

Literally your whole posting history (at least recently) is just you shitting on other people for the movies they like, and not just the MCU. I hope that you one day learn to enjoy a movie without putting others down.

And that's the last response you'll get from me on this thread.