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PureImplosion t1_j6118s8 wrote

Unfortunately she understood nothing about what made Æon Flux great. Yeah, she tried to emulate some of the imagery but without any soul or message behind it.


res30stupid t1_j61mit3 wrote

Also, she had to tone down the sex appeal becauce A) the studio wanted a PG-13 rating, and B) ...There was no way they could've adapted Aeon's outfit faithfully and not have it slip off at inopportune moments.


AmeliaMangan t1_j61ugxk wrote

Yep. The key to understanding Aeon Flux is to grasp that the war between Monica and Bregna absolutely does not matter one little bit: it's a pretext by which two perverts explore their sexual fascination with one another and play endless games of sadomasochistic one-upmanship. It's a kinky Spy Vs. Spy, a satire of Star Wars-like SFF morality plays; trying to actually make the Monica-Bregna thing important just turns AF into that which it's satirizing.

(And don't even get me started on turning Trevor into an unambiguous good guy, because Jesus Christ.)


DarkReaper90 t1_j622nze wrote

Sounds exactly like the same problem with Ghost in the Shell


PureImplosion t1_j634c1d wrote

I would say that at least the Ghost in the Shell movie tried, and failed.

The Æon Flux one didn't even try.


fuckeh t1_j646nh6 wrote

I still liked ghost in the shell and I first saw the anime like in 99. It could have been way better but if I just stepped away from the anime and viewed the movie as it’s own thing it was kinda cool.


mrbrick t1_j63sra5 wrote

When ever I think about the Ghost In The Shell movie I struggle to think of anything that happens in it. Or even what happens.