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BranWafr t1_j61jp1l wrote

I'm not even sure what you are trying to say. 2 of your 3 examples are disaster movies.

Edit to add: Also, The Martian would, I think, fit your definition of a fun, "science" movie. If not, I especially don't know what you are trying to say.


A40 t1_j61lllo wrote

And in '50s movies the overly-focused, handsome scientist would finally notice that his only assistant is beautiful when for the first time in years she removes her glasses.


ZorroMeansFox t1_j61nxe8 wrote

The 1980 film Altered States by Ken Russell featured a handsome scientist (William Hurt), and the main through-line was a love/relationship story.


WinterWindWhip t1_j61ty05 wrote

"Don't try to tell me he de-differentiated his God damned genes!" It was kind of science-y


Arfguy t1_j61vgcs wrote

The Fantastic Four are nothing but hot scientists doing cool shit. Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer would have words with thee.


VrinTheTerrible t1_j61vwav wrote

A beautiful mind - Russell Crowe and the peerless Jennifer Connelly


vladivan t1_j627nm2 wrote

"Feelings and science are stupid. I want idiots driving into a tornado." Op are you high?


charleyismyhero t1_j61kue9 wrote

Because damn near everything has to be edgy and bleak these days.
