
Arfguy t1_je7f523 wrote

I personally look at it as pure fiction. I can't say what I felt at the time, but speaking in the here and now: it does not inform my opinions on Zuckerberg.

The movie is a masterpiece, IMO. The pacing is absolutely breakneck and impeccable, the acting is downright fantastic, the music is just immensely intoxicating and the story is captivating and compelling.

If I had to pick a movie that I deem to be perfect, it would be The Social Network. I just wouldn't consider it to be an accurate telling of the real-life events. While I am certain some, if not a lot, of what happened in the movie may have happened in real life, I would rather watch a documentary for the most accurate accounts of real-life events. Everything dramatization for maximum engagement.


Arfguy t1_jde4kvk wrote

I think the look and feel of the movie and the settings is what really drives a lot of the love.

As a narrative, I found it to be really messy and unfocused. I love the look of it and there's definitely a great base to tell a compelling story, but I didn't find it to be at all compelling.

It's like Exodus: Gods and Kings, also by Ridley Scott. I watched that movie and man, is it terrible. Looks absolutely phenomenal, but WTF was the point? I don't fucking know and I don't think even Ridley Scott knew after finishing.

As an aside: I feel like the first season of Battlestar Galactica does a lot of what I think Blade Runner was trying to do.


Arfguy t1_j6lfdcs wrote

I love this movie. It's just that good. I actually do consider it extremely underrated. Of all the movies Tom Hanks gets credit for (Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, Saving Private Ryan, etc), I don't think a lot of people consider this movie to be one of the bests of the 90s.

The 90s produced some of the greatest movies ever made, IMO. No one will ever say that Cast Away is as good as...say Shawshank Redemption. I will. I will say Cast Away is just as good as Shawshank Redemption.


Arfguy t1_iy773dl wrote

Transformers by Michael Bay. From "Arrival to Earth", to "No Sacrifice, No Victory" to "The All-Spark" there are so many classic tracks, that the movie went from a pretty cool sci-fi action movie to one of the most enjoyable movie going experiences ever.

EDIT: forgot to credit Steve Jablonsky...the genius behind Sentinel Prime from Transformers: Dark of the Moon


Arfguy t1_iy6by5z wrote

A friend once told me that Leo won for The Revenant, but should have won for Calvin Candy in Django Unchained. I never thought I wanted to see Leo die a horrible, horrible death until his portrayal.

I am personally very used to Ryan Gosling as the cool guy, but Gosling does goofy and fidgety pretty well in roles like La La Land & The Nice Guys.