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tygerprints t1_j5zlwbr wrote

I've seen some of the scenes from the movie and I recoiled in dismay. As a gay person myself I was both put off and shocked that it is so stereotypical and so cliche and trite.

Real gay men do not act or talk or behave like this. Oh sure they do in mediocre comedies, but not in real life (at least I sure as hell hope they don't, and I wouldn't want to be around them if they did).

Of course just showing real gay men being normal would be very boring, I get that - but it is possible to show guys being into other guys without turning them into circusy one-liner-spewing caricatures. Anyone remember the fun little movie, Trick? It succeeded at doing this beautifully.

Nothing about the movie Bros strikes me as being great enough or across-all-generations conventional enough to be worthy of academy consideration.