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paulwhitedotnyc t1_j6laf3s wrote

How could you possibly give a shit about this?


leeswervino t1_j6latu9 wrote

Because it’s factually incorrect? And honestly contradicts the whole movie.


Calligrapher_Antique t1_j6lbund wrote

Not according to the CDC website.

"Non-Hispanic Black or African American people who smoke cigarettes, regardless of age, are more likely to smoke menthol cigarettes than people of other races or ethnicities who smoke cigarettes.Jun 27, 2022"


meraki_05 t1_j6lc0il wrote

Facts are racist bro!


leeswervino t1_j6lc89r wrote

Dude I’m not talking about that. You can confirm Obama smoked Marlboros.

Your facts (while accurate) have nothing to do with this convo and you’re too stupid to realize it.


[deleted] OP t1_j6lc540 wrote



SomeShoeDog t1_j6ldtag wrote

are you really gonna double down on providing a “source” that obama only smoked marlboros and call someone a “fn idiot” when your “source” not only doesn’t mention any specific brand but also explicitly states that a white house spokesperson advised that the thing obama is holding in the photo is not a pack of cigarettes?

to quote another person in this thread, please stop it with this nonsense.


leeswervino t1_j6le7lh wrote

That is 100% a pack of Marlboro cigarettes. He is pulling one out.

There are plenty of articles on his smoking habit it wasn’t a well kept secret. You can do your own homework.


leeswervino t1_j6legwf wrote

Here asshole. That’s from HIS WIFE. Hope that’s credible.

>What brand does Obama smoke?

>Michelle Obama told the Chicago Sun-Times in 2004 that Obama smoked Marlboros. While he's still thought to prefer Marlboro Reds, he also admitted that he "bummed" cigarettes during his 2008 campaign, so he may not be a Reds purist.



SomeShoeDog t1_j6lercj wrote

how does this unattributed quote prove your argument? it clearly states that he may not have been a purist because he bummed cigarettes.

i don’t think you fully understand how this whole debating things works.

you’re also positively freaking out over a single, unimportant joke in the first 5 minutes of a 120 minute movie. touch grass man


leeswervino t1_j6lf3ek wrote

You’re fucking incredible man. I could show up to your house with Obama right now and light up a whole carton of Marlboro Reds and you’d still have a come back.

You People.


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lfari wrote

you’re hysterical, man. like full fight or flight adrenaline rush over a blurry photo of obama holding a vaguely rectangular thing.

have you ever tried mindfulness exercises?


leeswervino t1_j6lfluu wrote

There’s plenty of other sources. Move along troll.


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lfpjs wrote

all i gotta say is that there is an observable reason that you’re getting mercilessly ratio’d 🤷‍♂️


leeswervino t1_j6lfvyc wrote

Because you all feel like bullying someone right now. You’re all still wrong, it’s fine.


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lg78g wrote

hey man. your judgment is fully sound. your facts are checked and there is a 0% chance that obama ever smoked a newport in his life. and comedy has to exclusively be based in fact. this is factual and cannot be argued. thank you for taking the time to educate the rest of us single-brain-celled plebes. your genius knows no bounds and truly you are the king of cigarettes. may your throne be always acrid and properly yellowed from nicotine stains. 🙄


leeswervino t1_j6lgfvh wrote

You’re pathetic. You’re wrong and so now you mock the conversation because you lost. Just move along dude.


SomeShoeDog t1_j6lgjcd wrote

it’s actually weird that you think a conversation can be “won”


leeswervino t1_j6lgmvn wrote

Holy shit. Please man leave me the fuck alone.

I said Obama smokes Marlboros. He does as confirmed by numerous sources and his wife. You said he didn’t. I showed you he did. Therefore you lost and are just pushing buttons now. So stop.


Dinky_Nuts t1_j6le2rr wrote

You do know there are Newport Reds right?


leeswervino t1_j6lnhlu wrote

I do.

However, himself and his wife are on the record saying he smokes Marlboros. I have no stock in Phillip Morris or reason to make this up I promise.

Not to mention, if they are Newport Reds my point is the same. The joke is predicated around the menthol stereotype and Newport being the historically “Black” cigarette as they only produced menthols in most markets up until around the late 90s early 2000s and it was argued their advertising often appealed to the “colored community.”


[deleted] OP t1_j6lbcd1 wrote



leeswervino t1_j6lbwcn wrote

Dude this movie is clearly trying to be more than a comedy. Come on. You either know what I mean and you’re just being childish or you’re an idiot.
